A Better Way to Handle Commercial Fishing Documentation

Commercial Fishing

It is not simple to manage a commercial fishing business. You can end up buried under a sea of paperwork instead of navigating the water yourself with your crew. As a business owner, you may as well be tasked with lots of responsibilities. A crew to look after, a payroll to manage, equipment to be in order, a ship to be maintained… And on top of that, you also need to keep up to date with the current United States Coast Guard (USCG) documentation.

If you have ever dedicated some time to any type of paperwork, then you will be no stranger to this documentation. In this particular business, it would prove to be beneficial to you to learn how to deal with both commercial fishing permits and USCG documentation. But what does that mean exactly? Let’s find out on this post.

Understanding the Commercial Fishing Permits

Commercial fishing permits will be a must to your business. Fines and penalties are costly, so it is prudent to stay current when it comes to the different licenses. The service provided at the Commercial Fishing Permits Center makes it easier for business owners to stay on top of that.

The fishing permits are issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). They divide the fishing zones into five regions: Alaska, the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the South and West regions. Over the different areas, diverse permits are issued. Those permits will be valid in the federal waters that encompass the area that goes from three to 200 nautical miles from shore. The waters that extend from the shore up to the same three nautical miles depending on the jurisdiction of each state, normally under the Department of Natural Resources.

What is United StatesCoast Guard Documentation?

A certificate of documentation issued by the US Coast Guard means that your vessel is registered at the federal level. It is mandatory for every commercial vessel with net weight of over five tons.

To obtain a form CG-1258 must be completed, and it is called an application for documentation. This document will allow you to operate commercially with US Fisheries. You will need to renew this document yearly, although the USCG will remind you of this at least two months prior to the expiry date.

Commercial Fishing

Let the Commercial Fishing Permits Center Process the Documentation for You!

We know all of this can sound a bit overwhelming but guess what: you don’t have to do it yourself. The Commercial Fishing Permits Center was created years ago to help people to deal with the USCG. Just fill in any of the forms from the documents we have been talking about and we will take care of the rest! There is no need to spend time printing the documents, sending them via the post office, and having to keep the expiry dates in mind: we got you covered!

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