A Guide to Catches: Types of Commercial Fishing Permits

commercial fishing permits

Big fish at the supermarket have clear provenances; businesses with commercial fishing permits must include their names and contact information on the package. Whether you want to know if the fishermen who caught your fish were fairly compensated or if they saw it sustainably, you may find out quite quickly.

In that package, you’ll find information on the fish’s journey from the ocean to your fridge, including the fishing techniques employed, the species targeted, the location of the boat at the time of capture, and more. When it comes to commercial fishing, each corporation tends to focus on a particular aspect of the business.

The kind of license required depends on the size of the fish. How do you know which is which? That’s why we put up this resource detailing the various commercial fishing licenses, their purposes, and how to apply for them. Even though the United States is the primary subject of this book, the nuances we cover should be familiar to readers in other nations.

Coastal Lobster Permit 

With the proper coastal lobster permit, fishermen are authorized to catch lobster in the coastal seas of their home state. To qualify for this license, the fisherman must score well on a written exam regarding the local lobster population. There are daily and annual quotas for the amount of lobster that may be caught and sold. Because certain species of lobster are more common in some regions than others, the kinds of lobsters available to you may vary depending on where you reside.

First and foremost, you must know that a coastal lobster permit differs from the standard commercial fishing permits when considering the specifics of your fishing license or permission. With a coastal lobster permit, you may set traps and hand lines for lobster and other shellfish. You may use nets, long lines, traps, and other fishing gear if you have a standard commercial fishing license.

Offshore Lobster Permit as One of the Commercial Fishing Permits

If you’re a fisherman and want to operate on the high seas, you’ll need special permission. Under offshore lobster permits, fishermen can fish for lobster and other marine life outside state waters. While inshore and offshore lobster permits enable fishermen to harvest lobster for their use, only the latter allows them to sell their catch for profit.

Although the federal guidelines are universal, all 50 states have restrictions that candidates must follow. It would help if you were at least 18 years old to participate. Second, you need a driver’s license that is in good standing. Finally, an application fee must be sent together with the application, including a roster of all crew members.

Seasonal Lobster Permit

This is one of the most frequently requested commercial fishing permits. You will need it if you want to catch lobsters in a specific location for a predetermined period. Some fishermen find it more convenient to refer to it as a “license” even if it is more accurately described as “permission to conduct business in that location” than as a “permit.”

You can capture lobsters during the season specified on your permit as long as you have this permission. For instance, if you have a May-June lobster permit, you can only capture and sell lobsters between the 1st of May and the 30th of June.

During this period, you are prohibited from fishing for any other kind of marine life, and you are required to have your permit cards with you at all times, whether selling lobster goods or monitoring your trap lines.

commercial fishing permits

Rod & Reel Permit

One of the first things that set fishing licenses apart is whether they are for rod-and-reel or trap-and-haul fishing. The second option necessitates the acquisition of extra gear not covered by rod-and-reel grants, which results in the latter option’s increased cost.

There are also additional distinctions, such as permit holders who fish with rod and reel are only allowed to keep five liters per year, although they are free to fish for an unlimited number of days.

The weekly catch limit for trap and haul owners is 15 liters. However, they may keep fishing for up to a year after that if they so want. It is possible for fishermen who capture their fish using traps to sell their catch straight from the boat, which may be more convenient for specific customers.

Commercial fishing permits allow fishermen and women to make a living by providing for the needs of people. Commercial fishermen need a variety of licenses to fish in different areas and for different types of fish. You might need more than one license, depending on what you’re trying to catch. The best way to find out which fishing permit you need is to contact the Commercial Fishing Permits Center today at 1-866-292-4204 for more information.

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