An Overview On East Coast Commercial Fishing Permits

East Coast Commercial Fishing

When you start a business, choosing your location is one of the most important decisions you can make. In commercial fishing, this is especially true. You need to be where the fish are biting, so to speak, and the Atlantic Ocean provides plenty of bountiful fisheries for you to net your catch. Having the right east coast commercial fishing permits is also important. You are going to want to make sure that you are operating in compliance with state and federal regulations, and carrying the right licenses is instrumental to that process. 

Maybe you have already identified what you would like to catch? You have even done the research to verify what the market is for your desired fish. Assuming this species is available in the Atlantic or the Gulf of Mexico, you should also check to see which permits you to need it. Read on to discover which permits are available to you on the eastern seaboard. 

Do You Need State or Federal East Coast Commercial Fishing Permits?

If you have a background in fishing on a recreational basis, you are probably acquainted with the process of getting your annual fishing license with the state. Well, different states also issue commercial fishing licenses for operating on inland waters and the state waters that adorn their coasts. Most commonly, the region from zero to three nautical miles from the shore falls under the jurisdiction of the state. If you are going to be fishing in this area, you will want to seek the appropriate permits.

Federal permits call for a slightly different process. Issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), these commercial fishing permits are broken down by region. The NOAA issues licenses in the following areas: Alaska, the West Coast, the Pacific Islands, the Mid-Atlantic/New England, and the Southeast. 

Getting Permits for the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic/New England Regions

At the Commercial Fishing Permits Center, we offer online forms for obtaining permits throughout the regions encompassed by the Atlantic. In New England, you may find yourself looking to trap American Lobster, which can command a high market price. In that case, you would want to obtain an American Lobster license from the NOAA, as well as state licenses for Maine or Massachusetts. 

In the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast, there are also a number of valuable species to catch. Tuna and Sea Bass are always in demand, and shellfish and crab can also prove quite profitable. Maybe you are catering to a more exotic clientele and plan to catch sharks? Well, the NOAA has permits for that as well. By browsing our site’s navigation tabs, you can quickly access the available permits in all NOAA regions. 

East Coast Commercial Fishing

Get Your Permits Today – Work with Us!

Commercial fishing is tough work that demands long hours. You likely do not have much time for filling out and mailing permit applications. By using our online forms, you can save yourself valuable time. We also employ an SSL-encrypted web portal, so you can rest easy knowing your applications are being processed securely.

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