The market can be hard to predict. In the world of commercial fishing, the demand worldwide for seafood is always there, but much like the tides, revenues can rise and fall. While recent years have presented economic challenges and opportunities related to the pandemic, our emergence from the long shadow of COVID-19 may mean big…
Do You Need a NOAA Federal Fisheries Permit Application?
As a short answer to your question let me say that, if you are planning to set up your own commercial fishing business you will need one, yes. There are, however, a series of considerations you need to address if you are new to the fishing industry. Stay with us while we shed some light…
Thinking of Applying for a Tuna Fishing License?
Tuna happens to be one of the most lucrative and important fish species in the United States. Its value comes from its abundance and also its popularity as a food source around the world. Because of this, there is a strict set of guidelines that commercial fishermen must adhere to when they fish for tuna….
USCG Hailing Port Requirements Defined
The United States Coast Guard, also known as the USCG, is a component of the United States armed forces responsible for ensuring the security and efficiency of maritime transportation. They monitor a diverse fleet of marine vehicles, such as merchant ships, oil tankers, passenger ships, tugboats, research vessels, fishing boats, transports, private yachts, and recreational…
Coast Guard Commercial Vessel Documentation Transfer
If you have made commercial fishing your career, you get to enjoy the luxury of working out on the water every day. It is a unique privilege that comes with a lot of hard work. In order for your business to flourish and to protect the safety of yourself and your crew, you need to…
Simplifying Atlantic Commercial Fishing Permits: Streamlined Solutions
Are you grappling with just how time-consuming it is to acquire the Atlantic Commercial Fishing Permits you need? Do you feel frustrated by the precious hours and resources wasted on paperwork? As a professional in the commercial fishing industry, your time is valuable, and every moment used for administrative tasks is one that isn’t used…
Do You Need Atlantic Commercial Fishing Permits?
Are you looking for a career shake-up? Have you grown tired of spending your days confined to a cubicle, toiling away at a 9-to-5 job? Well, if you have a passion for angling and would prefer to spend your days in the great outdoors, you may want to look at becoming a professional commercial fisherman….
Commercial Fishing Permits Easily Available for Every State in the United States
Are you curious about the possibility of making a living from commercial fishing? If that is the case, you should get ready to put in a lot of effort. Working in commercial and industrial fishing can be an extremely hazardous and taxing occupation. Even so, if the idea of making the ocean your place of…
The Basics of Commercial Fishing Vessel Documentation Reinstatement
If you operate a commercial fishing vessel and your documentation status has been lost, it’s important to understand the process of vessel documentation reinstatement. This includes instances when your permit has been revoked, your paperwork was canceled, or you otherwise need to start over with the documents. No matter the reason, having current, valid and…
How to Maintain My Vessel Documentation Online?
Do you know why the vessel documentation is required? You must operate a boat with the proper documents. It is about the registration and safety of your ship and the others on the water. There are two types of requirements for vessel documentation. The first type is federal requirements set by USCG (United States Coast…