Commercial Fisheries in the USA

The United States is home to a number of well-stocked commercial fisheries, accommodating a vast array of different commercial and fishing operations. If you are interested in starting such a business–or if your commercial fishing outfit is considering expanding its offerings–you will want to make sure that you have all of the required state and federal permits.

commercial fisheries in the usa

The Purpose of Commercial Fisheries

Commercial fishing employs an estimated 60 million people across the globe. Every year, more than $150 billion changes hands in the global seafood exchange, cementing commercial and industrial fishing as cornerstones to the global economy. 

Having the Right Permits

Permits often break down to individual species. For example, if you are fishing for salmon in federal waters in Alaska, there is a specific permit for that. If you are seeking a federal permit or a state license, traditionally, there will be some paperwork to complete. Locate the right application, fill it out completely, and send it via mail with a check for the required fee. 

commercial fisheries in the usa

Submit Your Application Online Today with Our Help

You will see a breakdown of all the permit application forms that we offer. If you have any questions about how we can help your business, contact us today. 

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