Commercial Fishing Permits You Need to Start a Lobster Fishing Business

commercial fishing permits

Lobster fishing can be an especially lucrative line of work. If you have ever been out to eat at a seafood restaurant and see the price of lobster on the menu, you know that a quality catch can command a high dollar. If you are looking to start a lobster fishing business, you will want to get acquainted with the requisite commercial fishing permits needed to do so.

Securing Federal and State Licensing

While lobster can be caught in many different regions of the United States, the best cold-water lobster is widely thought to be available in New England. If you have spent any time in Maine, Massachusetts, or even New York, you can likely attest to this. If you are thinking about setting up your lobster fishing enterprise in New England, or anywhere else really, you will want to check with the appropriate state entities about securing a local lobster fishing permit.

commercial fishing permits

You should also look into obtaining a license to fish commercially in federal waters. Generally speaking, state waters only range from zero to three miles from shore. Anything beyond that distance up to 200 miles from land is going to be considered federal waters. As you may surmise, federal waters call for federal licensing. By securing the proper permits at the state and federal levels, you will be able to lower your pots wherever the catch may take you.

The Commercial Fishing Permits Center Can Help

Just as you would be wary of navigating unknown waters, so should you be when navigating the sea of paperwork that is federal fishing permits. Instead of trying to track down the right application, then printing it out and filling in everything by hand before standing in line at the post office to get it in the mail, there is a better approach.

At the Commercial Fishing Permits Center, we make filing an application for your lobster fishing permit easy. You can view all of our available forms and documents by region, helping you easily identify the correct application for you. Our simplified, streamlined approach to fillable forms also filters out any unnecessary fields. And do not worry about breaking out your magnifying glass for reading the microscopic fine print – we present all of the relevant information to you in a clear and concise way.

Apply for Your Lobster Fishing Permit Today

Before you start loading up your traps, make sure that you have taken the necessary steps to secure your lobster fishing permit. To get this or any number of other commercial and industrial fishing permits, contact one of our friendly customer service representatives today. We offer permits for New England and all other major U.S. fishing regions, and we employ an SSL-encrypted portal so that your personal data is transmitted securely.

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