Don’t Start a Commercial Fishing Business Without a Commercial Fishing License

commercial fishing license

If you plan to operate a commercial fishing business, you are legally required to have a commercial fishing license. This differs from a recreational fishing license and allows you to fish, then sell what you catch for a profit. Commercial fishing can be very profitable, but if you do so without the proper licenses, you could be shut down and may have to pay some hefty fines. If you want to start a commercial fishing business, follow these steps to get it done correctly. 

Get the Right Equipment

To be successful as a commercial fisherman, you will need to have the proper equipment to get the job done. Some of this equipment is required on any boat, including life preservers, ring buoys, survival gear, fire extinguishers, a radio, and emergency alert devices. Beyond that, you will need the fishing gear necessary to make a living, which may include fishing rods, nets, and sonar equipment. Having everything you need on hand before getting started increases the likelihood of success.

Write a Business Plan

This outlines what your goals and process are as you start your business. It can give you a good map for getting to where you want to be but is also valuable if you plan to present the business to investors. Research the industry and find out what other fishermen are doing to see what works and what doesn’t. Look and trends and statistics so you get a picture of where the industry is going. Use this information as you outline how your business will operate. You may need to make changes as you go, which may occur as you learn new aspects of the business or decide to edit your business model.

Get Funding

If you don’t have the money upfront to buy a boat and the equipment necessary to run a commercial fishing business, you will need to find funding. You can do this through a traditional loan at a bank, but you can also present it to investors in the industry. Be sure you have a good idea of how much you need and how to plan to pay it back before you approach any potential lenders. Most commercial fishing businesses are started with some kind of financing because the boat and equipment are expensive and few people have the cash on hand to get started without a loan. 

commercial fishing license

Keep Track of all Documentation

As you go through the process of getting a commercial fishing license and starting your commercial fishing business, it’s important to keep track of all the relevant documentation. That includes your license, as well as any permits that are needed. Some of these documents will need to be in a safe place on your boat. It pays to have extra copies somewhere on land as well, just in case replacements are needed. 

If you’re ready to start a commercial fishing business and want to apply for a commercial fishing license, you are in the right place. Our website is designed to help you every step of the way. Contact the Commercial Fishing Permits Center today to get started. 

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