If you have ever been involved in the commercial fishing business, then you must know there is some preparation involved, that you need to do before setting sail. The process can sometimes be tricky, as there are a lot of different permits that can be obtained. That is the reason behind the creation of this blog: we are a third-party agency that specializes in commercial fishing permits and, this article, in particular, will tell you everything you need to know about the east coast commercial fishing permits.
Why Do We Have Fishing Permits?
Before getting started on the application process, it is important to explain why we are doing what we are doing. And the east coast commercial fishing permits and, more specifically, all of the commercial fishing permits, serve a few different purposes. One of them, for instance, is helping managers at fisheries.
The administration requires details of how many people are participating in the different fishery activities and quantifying each harvest. With this information, the government authorities take important economic decisions when it comes to the commercial fishing market and, at the same time, let the fishermen know how the market is performing, an essential item to set the budgets.
Furthermore, commercial permits are important, because otherwise, commercial fishing would be free for all, to the detriment of the species and the ecosystem. To prevent this, certain species have their own additional permits if fishermen want to catch them.
Mid Atlantic and New England Fishing Permits
The East Coast region, also known as the Atlantic region, is divided into two smaller regions: New England and the Mid-Atlantic. As you may imagine, the two different regions have different species of fish that can be caught. Our site will help you to save some money by not paying for an application you don’t really need and at the same time making sure you do not forget the permits you want.
Each application has detailed instructions and requirements when you fill them out. Furthermore, our team can help you understand what permits you need once you tell him your situation.
The Mid-Atlantic region has sixteen! Different permits are listed as follows:
- Atlantic Bluefish
- Summer Flounder
- Spiny Dogfish
- Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab
- Atlantic Dolphin Wahoo Commercial Fishing Permit (Open Access)
- Atlantic Herring
- Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish
- Atlantic Tuna Longline Commercial Fishing Permit (Limited Access)
- Monk Fish
- Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish) Permits
- Northeast Skate Complex Permit
- Scup
- Shark Incidental Commercial Fishing Permit (Limited Access)
- Black Sea Bass
- Rock Shrimp Carolinas Zone
- Smoothhound Shark Commercial Fishing Permit (Open Access)
New England, on the other hand, has seventeen options of permits:
- American Lobster
- Atlantic Bluefish
- Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab
- Atlantic Herring
- Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish
- Atlantic Sea Scallop
- Atlantic Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog
- Black Sea Bass
- Monkfish
- Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish) Permits
- Northeast Skate Complex Permit
- Scup
- Spiny Dogfish
- Whiting, Other Hake
- Atlantic Tuna Longline Commercial Fishing Permit Limited Access
- Atlantic Dolphin-Wahoo Commercial Fishing Permit Open Access
- Shark Incidental Commercial Fishing Permit Limited Access
The Commercial Fishing Permits Center
As you have seen, there are almost endless possibilities for east coast commercial fishing permits that can be obtained with the help of the Commercial Fishing Permits Center. Do not think about it for another minute. Just reach us by filling out any of the contact forms and our friendly staff will get back to you in no time.
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