Easy and Fast Federal Tuna Fishing Permit Processing

Federal Tuna Fishing Permit

If you are starting a commercial fishing business in the United States, there are a number of species that can net you a tidy profit. Be it American Lobster trapped off the shores of Maine, or shrimp that you can net in the Gulf of Mexico, the demand for seafood in America and throughout the globe remains steady. Bluefin Tuna, however, are often in a league of its own when it comes to value. Sometimes weighing more than 500 lbs., these fish have been known–in extreme cases–to command more than a million dollars at auction. Though you are more likely to receive more market-standard prices for your catch, it can still be a sound financial maneuver to obtain your federal Tuna fishing permit.

Before you can outfit your boat with the equipment needed for Tuna and head out to sea, you will want to ensure that your paperwork is in good order. This can mean tracking down the correct applications from state or federal agencies, completing them, and submitting them to the appropriate office. Of course, there are also online methods for doing this, and the Commercial Fishing Permits Center can help.

When Do You Require a Federal Tuna Fishing Permit?

In assessing which commercial fishing permit you will need, you first need to figure out what type of Tuna you will be fishing for, as well as where you are aiming to catch it. For example, on the west coast, Albacore Tuna can be caught, necessitating their own specific permits issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for the Pacific and Alaska regions.

Bluefin and other more profitable Tuna, however, are more likely to be caught in the Atlantic. Classified by the NOAA as a Highly Migratory Species (HMS), these fish can be found in federal waters throughout the east coast. Bigeye Tuna, Yellowfish Tuna, and Skipjack Tuna can also be found in federal waters. By acquiring an HMS angling permit, you can fish for all of these species. Additionally, an HMS permit applies to your boat and everyone fishing on it, so your crew will not need to obtain individual permits. 

What Constitutes Federal Waters?

Tracking the migratory patterns of fish can bring you to a number of different fisheries and locations. As these spaces can fall under different regulatory jurisdictions, you will want to make sure that you are carrying the correct permits. The NOAA issues permit for federal waters, which comprise the area from three to 200 nautical miles from land. The waters between zero and three nautical miles from shore are usually under state jurisdiction, and as such, require state-specific permits. 

Federal Tuna Fishing Permit

How to Get Your Permits Online

Too busy to print out applications, fill them out by hand, and mail them to the NOAA? No worries–we have got you covered. At the Commercial Fishing Permits Center, we use easy-to-fill web forms you can use to apply for your NOAA fishing permits. Take a moment to browse our site to learn more, or contact one of our customer service representatives by phone or email today.

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