Find Your South Atlantic Federal Commercial Fishing Permits

South Atlantic Federal Commercial Fishing

Commercial fishing is a tough line of work. Between the long hours–sometimes days–spent out at sea, navigating harsh weather conditions, and handling dangerous gear and equipment, it is not a profession that is suited for everybody. For those willing to brave such arrangements, however, there is certainly money to be made in commercial fishing. A multi-billion dollar, global business, our economy depends on commercial fishermen to meet the consistent demands of the market. Seafood is always desired by restaurants and wholesalers alike, and certain species can command a high price tag. If you are interested in pursuing such profits, and your business is located in the southeastern United States, you are going to want to apply for the correct South Atlantic federal commercial fishing permits.

You may be wondering, why I need a permit for such an age-old trade. Well, there are a couple of answers to that question. The first answer concerns conservation: permits and licenses are issued at the state and federal levels as a way to monitor and regulate fisheries. With a comprehensive knowledge of who is operating on our waters, the appropriate agencies can make the necessary maneuvers to preserve our fisheries for future generations of commercial fishermen. An additional consideration is that license fees generate revenue. Both state and federal agencies need the resources to perform their roles, and the cost of permits assists in that mission.

Getting South Atlantic Federal Commercial Fishing Permits

It is a general rule of thumb in fishing that you need to venture out wherever the fish happen to be biting. This is, of course, especially true in commercial and industrial fishing. In order to maximize your catch–and, in turn, your bottom line–you need to position your operation in a location that allows for a high volume of fish. This can often mean venturing out onto federal waters, which in the United States comprise anything between three and 200 nautical miles from shore. If you find yourself commercially fishing in this area, you are going to need to obtain the proper licenses and permits from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The NOAA is a particularly important government agency that is tasked with a number of important responsibilities. They monitor the weather and issue storm forecasts, for example. They also regulate fisheries in federal waters, which includes the issuance of licenses and permits. As you may know, the United States is home to nearly 100,000 miles of coastline, which means federal waters cover a rather expansive area. In order to more efficiently regulate federal fisheries, the NOAA divides their permits up by region.

If you look at the top navigation menu on our website, you will see that each NOAA subregion is accounted for. There is Alaska, the West Coast, the Pacific Islands, the Atlantic, and the South. If you are launching your commercial fishing business in, say, Georgia, Florida, or South Carolina, your most applicable region will be the South, and within that, specifically, the South Atlantic. By perusing this section of our website, you can get a sense of what South Atlantic federal commercial fishing permits are available to you.

What Permits Can I Obtain for the South Atlantic?

The NOAA generally offers permits and licenses on a species-specific basis. As you can imagine, that tends to mean that there is a robust array of available options. In fact, in the South Atlantic alone, there are 19 different federal permits to choose from. These range from everything from shark to golden crab to king mackerel. No matter what you are fishing for in this region, there is likely an NOAA permit for it.

Of course, if you are not fishing on federal waters, you will still need a commercial fishing license of some sort. State waters in this area of the country are anything from zero to three nautical miles from shore, and as this is a different jurisdiction, there are different rules and regulations. You will want to check with your state’s specific department of fishing or wildlife agency to get a feel for the exact requirements.

South Atlantic Federal Commercial Fishing

Getting Your Licenses Online at Our Site

Whether you need NOAA permits or licenses at the state level, the application process tends to be fairly similar. You can visit the NOAA’s website–or that of your local state agency–locate the correct permit for you, download the PDF, print it out, fill it out in black ink, and bring it down to the post office to mail for processing. As a business owner, you may find that you do not have much free time, and busying yourself with paperwork may not be all that realistic. Fortunately, we can help.

At the Commercial Fishing Permits Center, we have a diverse offering of web forms for state and federal fishing permits. With just a bit of information, you can process your application in a few easy clicks. To learn more, take a moment to browse our website, or contact us by phone or email today.

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