Getting Permits to Access Commercial Fisheries

commercial fisheries

Commercial fishing can be a tough line of work. If you have ever seen a TV show or movie that shows commercial fisheries, you likely understand that it is a job that contends with difficult seas, rough weather, and heavy, dangerous equipment. On top of that, commercial fishermen have to frequently spend long hours or even days out on the water, away from their families and the comforts of home. Of course, in exchange for what can be a grueling career is a potentially large paycheck. Commercial fishing is a massive, worldwide industry, and it is one that generates thousands of jobs and millions of dollars of revenue annually in the United States. Fishing for a living can also be professionally rewarding in that it allows you to work outside doing what you love. If you are thinking about launching your own commercial or industrial fishing operation, though, there are a few things you will need to do first.

Before your commercial fishing business gets up and running, you will first want to identify what you will be catching, and where you will be fishing for it. This not only helps you narrow down the areas of water you will be fishing on, but it also helps you key in on the specific permits and licenses you will need. You also probably do not want to head out to sea alone, so it may be helpful to hire a seasoned crew to assist your operation. There is also the matter of your vessel–is it equipped for commercial fishing? Do you have an ample supply of safety gear and life jackets? As a business owner, even in a field as straightforward as fishing, you can find yourself overwhelmed with logistical matters to navigate. The good news is, by working with us, you can apply for the commercial fishing permits you need online.

Apply for Your Commercial Fisheries Permits Online

On a fundamental level, commercial fishing involves the extraction of a natural resource for profit. With this in mind, it makes sense that it is a regulated industry. In addition to quotas and rules that you will need to observe, you will also need specific fishing permits. If you are fishing on state waters, which is usually the area from zero to three nautical miles from shore, you will need to obtain licenses and permits from your local Department of Game and Wildlife agency. These permits are typically species-specific, and some states have reciprocity with others.

Federal waters constitute everything between three and 200 nautical miles out from U.S. shores. Permits for fishing on these waters are issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). You can apply for all the state and federal permits you need on our website by locating your desired selection from our navigation menu.

commercial fisheries

Save Yourself Some Time

Why toil away with paper applications and trips to the post office? Save yourself some time by working with us. We have fillable web forms for all of your commercial fishing permit needs. To learn more about us, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

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