New England Federal Commercial Fishing for Whiting, Other Hake

new england federal commercial fishing

Do you want to fish for more than just lobster, black sea bass, monkfish, herring, bluefish, and more in New England waters? Have you begun the process of equipping your vessel and crew to fish for hake and want to be sure that you’re in compliance with the powers that be? With so many different kinds of hake in the New England area, it can be a fantastic opportunity. Before you head out to do so, you want to be certain you have all of your New England federal commercial fishing documentation in order. As ever, you can do this at our site. 

What to Know About this New England Commercial Fishing Permit 

To really take advantage of this, you need to have either an open access permit (also known as “Category K,”) or, alternatively, a “limited access Northeast multispecies permit,” (also known as “Categories A-F”). Should you have the latter, you can fish for whiting while the vessel isn’t fishing under a “day at sea” and while declared “out of the fishery.” That’s true if the vessel is required to operate a “Vessel Monitoring System.” We know that this can be a lot to process. So, if you have any other questions, our experts are happy to answer your questions. Contact us here

Whiting, Other Hake Explained 

There are many different kinds of hake available in the area. Red, Silver, White, and more – hake are fantastic seafood choices for consumers and commercial fishing professionals alike. Each of the mentioned breeds is not overfished nor are they subject to that occurring. The environmental impact from fishing for them is low, too. This is the kind of fish that you can build a real, lasting career around. For this and just about all other kinds of fishing in or around the United States, you’ll be able to find the permits here.  

A Site for Taking Care of Commercial Fishing Permits 

We know that, as a commercial fishing professional, you may have any amount of resources, one you will always be strapped for is time. That’s just one of the reasons we’ve done everything in our power to make our site as easy to use as possible. For example, we know that you may not always have the time you want to devote to your documentation. So, we have the best document processors on our team. If there are any errors, no matter how small, they’ll be able to find them and fix them. 

Fishing Permits for the Atlantic Oceans and Others 

Hake represent a great opportunity for New England commercial fishing professionals. There are many other species of fish in that area and so many others that can be extremely lucrative as well. For example, in the mid-atlantic alone, you can find summer flounder, spiny dogfish, atlantic herring, mackerel, squid, butterfish, and so many others. For help with those permits, as well as any off of the West Coast, in Alaska, or elsewhere, you can talk to our experts at (866) 292-4204.

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