NMFS Permits that Help You Give Back and More

NMFS Permits

Are you searching for NMFS permits that make it easier to do what you want to do with the fish that you catch? Have you felt like you want to give back to the community in a way that really matters? Here at the Commercial Fishing Permits Center, we love working with commercial fishing professionals for many reasons. Not the least of those reasons is that fishing pros understand how important it is to help local communities, to give back to those that need it. We have permits that make it easier to do exactly that (as well as an easier way to acquire those permits and many others). 

NMFS Permits for the Authorized Distributor Prohibited Species Program 

With this particular permit, tax-exempt organizations will be able to distribute halibut and/or salmon to food bank networks, food bank distributors, and hunger relief agencies. Specifically, the salmon and/or halibut used here is delivered by catcher’s vessels using trawl gear to shoreside processors. If you’re seeking to become an authorized distributor, you have to provide the powers that be (the Alaska Region’s Regional Administrator) with information such as proof of your tax-exempt status, documentation of support from cold storage, and transportation facilities as well as others. 

NMFS Permits

What This Program Covers 

Specifically, this is for Chinook Salmon and Pacific Halibut. In regards to the former, strict regulations balance people’s needs against that of other marine life, and some Chinook Salmon stocks are below target population levels while others are above. The good news, in Alaska at least, is that, while some stocks are in decline, none are listed under the Endangered Species Act (as of this writing).  In terms of Pacific Halibut, they are sustainably managed and responsibly harvested. 

More Commercial Fishing Permits in Alaska 

These are some of our more popular permits for the Alaska region, as they make it possible for commercial fishing pros to do what they love: to help. That said, we have plenty of other permits for the Alaska Region available as well. With more than a dozen forms available, we have everything you need to help your Alaskan commercial fishing business to truly take off. To that end, you can find the permits you’d want for Gulf of Alaska Rockfish, crab, scallops, and more. 

A Better Commercial Fishing Permits Process for Commercial Fishing Pros 

We understand that, when it comes to finding commercial fishing permits, you don’t exactly lack options online. That’s just one of the reasons we do everything we can to make sure that our services stand out from the rest. For example, we make it possible for you to get the permits you need from practically anywhere throughout the United States: the West Coast, Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic, and elsewhere. Moreover, you can use our mobile-optimized site to fill these forms out from anywhere (and on any device) so long as you’re connected to the internet. To see all that we offer, head to our site. 

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