Reasons Why You Need To Buy a Boat Certificate of Documentation

boat certificate of documentation

A boating certificate of documentation (COD) may seem like something you don’t need until you find yourself in a sticky scenario when you must have one. Having a Certificate of Documentation (COD) on hand may simplify the sale of a yacht in an emergency. You may wish to transfer the ownership to a different state.

If you plan on sinking the boat in the ocean and don’t want to pay someone, you’ll need the COD. A boat documentation certificate won’t save your life if your boat sinks, but it will make it much simpler for both boaters and non-boaters to deal with problems later on. There are several reasons why your boat must possess a Certificate of Documentation.

It Helps Avoid Hefty Fines

Although purchasing a boat may be a thrilling adventure, it is essential to be familiar with the regulations that must be followed. If you didn’t research before buying a boat, you might end up with a large punishment because you misunderstood the rules. For instance, a boat Certificate of Documentation is needed by law if your yacht is longer than 79 feet.

This document can help the Coast Guard identify your vessel in an emergency or tragedy, even if you don’t intend to take your boat out of state. One advantage is that you can sell your yacht without spending time and money repainting it. The more you know about the regulations that apply to boat ownership, the better off you will be.

You Can’t Go To Sea without One

A boat’s documentation certificate will allow you to cruise throughout the nation. When you register your boat with a state, you can only use it inside that state. You need a Florida certificate of documentation and your California registration to lawfully operate your California-registered sailboat in Florida waters. Anywhere in the United States can be reached by boat with foreign registration (say, from the Bahamas). Still, if the captain needs to refuel or make repairs, they will need a special document called an arrival-departure (AD) number or a decal that shows where the boat came from and where it is going.

A Boat Certificate of Documentation Ensures Your Safety and the Safety of Anyone Else On Board

It’s hard to believe, but there are still thousands of boats afloat that have never been registered. Most neglected ships also lack insurance to safeguard their owners and passengers in an accident.

The last thing you want is for anything to go wrong with your boat. You want it to be a location where people can unwind, have a good time, and create lasting memories with their fellow travelers. Do you need a certificate if you solely use it for recreational purposes, such as weekend fishing trips? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

Many people believe that insurance only applies in extreme cases, such as when your boat is destroyed in a fire or collides with another vessel. However, insurance also serves to safeguard against less severe mishaps. What would happen, for instance, if a shoe got stuck in your boat’s propeller? Without health insurance, you are personally responsible for all medical costs, regardless of who was at fault in the accident. Before they balloon into unmanageable figures, the expenditures may be covered by insurance.

boat certificate of documentation

You Can Only Change the Registration From State To State with This Certificate

When registering a yacht that has had its registration in another state in the past, you will need to provide the relevant papers. If the boat owner wishes to register it in a state other than where he now resides, he must submit an application for the boat certificate of documentation.

If the boat’s owner never moves the vessel’s registration to a new state, he does not need to worry about getting this certificate. If you do not possess a copy of the certificate, you must get one before applying for any other registration papers. The Commercial Fishing Permits Center is the place to go to submit your application for certification, either before or after modifying your vessel’s registration.

Contact the Commercial Fishing Permits Center for information regarding your fishing license or permit application. Knowing who to contact is a vital skill when it comes to fishing. Don’t wait until it’s too late—contact the Commercial Fishing Permits Center today!

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