Seize the Alaskan Commercial Salmon High by Getting the Right Permits

alaska commercial fishing permits

Have you been looking for the next great fishing opportunity? Are you considering expanding your commercial fishing enterprise to include Alaskan Chinook Salmon? There may be no better time to do so than this. The 2021 Chinook Salmon in Alaska catch was absolutely incredible, leading to amazing profits for so many commercial fishing professionals. There may very well be plenty of opportunities in the future, as well. To get involved, you can find all of the Alaska commercial fishing permits you might need right here. 

The Incredible Alaskan Salmon Rewards 

It’s hard to overstate just how well Alaska fishing professionals did with Chinook salmon this year. For example, according to “Fisherman’s News,” “preliminary harvest and value figures on the 2021 Alaska commercial salmon fishery show a value of $643.9 million, up from $295.2 million… compared to 2020.” By that same token, “233.8 million fish (were) caught, compared to 116.8 million fish” from 2020. Now, that doesn’t mean that next year is going to be exactly like this one. But, it does show that there is still plenty of opportunity in Alaskan Salmon. 

alaska commercial fishing permits

Chinook Salmon Permits We Offer for Alaska 

At our site, as of this writing, you can find three different permits for Alaskan Chinook Salmon. To that end, you can get an “Application for Transfer of Bering Sea Chinook Salmon PSC Allocations,” as well as an “Application for Approval as an Entity to Receive Transferable Chinook Salmon PSC Allocation.” Additionally (and certainly not lastly) we offer forms for “Groundfish / Halibut CDQ and Prohibited Species Quota (PSQ) Transfer Request.” Each of these forms can be accessed at our site and, due to our responsive web design, can be filled out on any device from basically anywhere. 

What to Know About Chinook Salmon in Alaska 

As you know if you’ve ever fished for them in the past, Chinook salmon aren’t like other Pacific salmon. In fact, they’re much bigger, many of them larger than 30 pounds and measuring about three feet in length on average. Now, unfortunately, as of this writing, you can’t exactly go out there and be in Alaskan waters for peak Chinook salmon season. That tends to run from May through September. But, by taking care of the permits you need now, you can put yourself in the best position to take advantage when the next salmon season comes around. 

Other Alaska Commercial Fishing Permits and More 

There’s plenty of opportunity in Alaska Chinook Salmon, to put it mildly. That said, we could’ve stopped the prior sentence after “there’s plenty of opportunity in Alaska.” you can find all of the forms you might need to take advantage of all of the commercial fishing opportunities in and around Alaska. However, you can find all of the forms you need to take advantage of all of the commercial fishing opportunities in and around the United States at our site, too. To see everything we offer, click here. 

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