Staying in Compliance with the Right Fishing Permit

fishing permit

When you’re preparing your fishing vessel for another trip, you use the right tools for the job. The same should go for your commercial permits as well. The truth is that there are so many different kinds of permits out there, it’s all too easy to either get the wrong permit or violate the one that you have. That’s the last thing that we want to see happen. We do everything in our power to make sure that you have the right fishing permit for your vessel and industry. Our catalog has just about everything you might need. 


Special Coral Reef Ecosystem Fishing Special Permit 


If you’re new to fishing commercially, you might think: “OK, I just need a permit or two and I’ll be able to fish wherever I want at any time.” However, that’s just not the case. An example of this is the “Special Coral Reef Ecosystem Fishing Special Permit.” This particular permit is applicable for anyone who fishes for, or the operator of a vessel used to fish for, coral reef ecosystem species in a low-use MPA. If that sounds specific, it is. Before going out to fish commercially in any way, it’s critically important to make sure you’re entirely in compliance. 

fishing permit

Permits Based by Species as Well as Location 


One of the major reasons that details are so important in fishing commercially is that there’s so much specificity in terms of the permits themselves. An example of this are any permits for “South Atlantic Rock Shrimp.” Fishing and selling rock shrimp that are caught in federal waters from the Virginia/North Carolina border to the East Coast of Florida need to have this permit. As you can see that from that description, it’s hard to overstate just how specific fishing commercially can be. 


The Commercial Fishing Permit You Might Need 


At our site, we take pride in offering as many different kinds of permits as possible. That includes even the permits that might not apply to all of that many commercial fishing operations. For example, at our site, you can find an “Alaska Prohibited Species Donation Program Application.” This permit authorizes tax-exempt organizations to distribute salmon and/or halibut to hunger relief agencies, food bank distributors, or food bank networks. To be clear, these species should be delivered by catcher vessels using trawl gear to shoreside processors. This is just one of the many, many permits that we have available. 


Renewals and More 


The above permits are just some of the many different permits available. If you don’t see the permit you need, that’s all right: we probably the ones that apply to you at our site. On top of that, remember that many of these permits have to be renewed, often annually. Staying on top of the permits for fishing commercially is an important part of your business. Our staff is glad to answer any questions you might have, so feel free to call us at (866) 292-4204

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