Alaska Fishing Permit

The Safest Way To Obtain Your Alaska Commercial Fishing Permit

Any commercial or industrial fishing operation absolutely needs to possess accurate and up-to-date fishing permits from both the federal government and the state in which it operates. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is in charge of issuing federal permits. These permits cover the waters that are typically located between three and 200 nautical miles…

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Commercial Fishing Permits in Alaska

How to Navigate the Application Process for Commercial Fishing Permits in Alaska

Alaska is one of the largest fishing states in the USA, with a thriving commercial fishing industry that supports thousands of jobs and generates billions of dollars in revenue. However, in order to fish commercially in Alaska, you need to have the right permit. The application process for commercial fishing permits in Alaska can seem…

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commercial fishing

Top Reasons to Go Commercial Fishing Instead Of Sport Fishing

Compared to sport fishing, commercial fishing offers a unique and distinct experience. The gathering of seafood is the primary objective of the commercial fishery, while the primary goals of sport fishing are to make a fantastic catch and to enjoy one’s time spent fishing. Commercial fishing often involves more significant crew numbers and typically adheres…

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