Alaska commercial fishing permits

Alaska Commercial Fishing Permits for Halibut & What to Know

Have you been looking for Alaska commercial fishing permits but can’t find all of the ones you’re looking for? Does it seem like every method of going about getting commercial fishing permits for Alaska is more challenging than the last? The Commercial Fishing Permits Center was designed specifically for commercial fishing professionals. We wanted to…

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Amendment 80 Explained: A Basic Guide

If your commercial fishing business operates in or around Alaska then you’ve already heard of Amendment 80. And, more likely than not, you understand that your fishing operations need to comply with it. What some commercial fishers might not know is what Amendment 80 actually is, why it’s important to both the industry and the…

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alaska commercial fishing permits

The Importance of Staying Up-to-Date with Alaska Commercial Fishing Regulations and NOAA:

Commercial fishing is an important industry in Alaska because it helps to support a large number of Alaskans and makes a contribution to the overall economy of the state. But the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have rules that commercial fishermen must follow to protect the…

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A Better Way to Acquire and Maintain Commercial Fishing Permits in Alaska

A Better Way to Acquire and Maintain Commercial Fishing Permits in Alaska

Are you weary of the convoluted process involved in obtaining your Commercial Fishing Permits in Alaska? Is it frustrating to hunt tediously for the right permits and then have to go through arduous application procedures? Here at Commercial Fishing Permits, we are dedicated to simplifying the journey. We have been instrumental in assisting numerous commercial…

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