The Benefits of the Federal Tuna Fishing Permit

Federal Tuna Fishing Permit

Are you on the tuna commercial fishing operation and want to be in compliance with the regulations? Or, on the other hand, want to enter the business and are conducting your piece of research before getting started? Either way, this article is for you. Over the years, the Commercial Fishing Permits Center has helped fishermen in both big and small companies to get all of the documentation they needed. Read on if you want to find out everything you need to know about the federal tuna fishing permit.

Federal and State Waters

Firstly, we need to start by defining the difference between federal and state waters, and therefore the two types of permits that can be obtained for each of them. As a general rule of thumb, state waters are those that go from shore up to 3 nautical miles on the Atlantic and Pacific, and from shore to 9 nautical miles on the Gulf. In most places, the federal waters extend from where the state waters end up to 200 nautical miles or where other countries’ waters begin, what happens first?

It comes as no surprise, then, that the different types of waters need different types of permits. For that reason, the Commercial Fishing Permits Center has made it easier for you. At the top of our site, you will notice there are two buttons: state and federal. If you press the former one, it will allow you to see all of the states, and the fishing permits that can be obtained on each of them. If you press the federal button, on the other hand, you will be granted access to the different regions in America, and the permits you can get on those.

The Federal Tuna Fishing Permit

One of the most requested permits on our site is the Federal Tuna Fishing Permit. No brainer, given that you can find lots of them, especially in the Atlantic and South regions of America, but also on the west coast.

If you are fishing for tuna on the west coast, then you may think about getting into compliance with the Tuna Treaty Permit, an agreement between Canada and the US that facilitates vessels from both countries to fish for albacore tuna for up to 12 nautical miles from shore. 

The other Tuna permit you can obtain is called “Atlantic Tuna Longline Commercial Fishing Permit”. This form allows you to fish for the different types of tuna in different areas. There are, however, some permits that cannot be held with this one, although you are permitted to have the shark and swordfish permits along as well.

With this permit, you will be able to catch Atlantic Yellowfin Tuna, Western Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, Atlantic Skipjack Tuna, and the Atlantic Bigeye Tuna, among others. Furthermore, you will be able to do it on the Gulf of Mexico and the waters of New England and the Mid and South Atlantic respectively.

Federal Tuna Fishing Permit

The Commercial Fishing Permits Center can Get the Documentation for You

As you may know by now, getting the permits will not only benefit you economically but also prevent you from having to afford costly fines. All of these permits can of course be obtained at the Commercial Fishing Permits Center. With our help, you will be casting your nets in no time. Let us take care of the sea of paperwork!

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