Where to Get Commercial Fishing Permits Online

commercial fishing

Would you say fishing is your primary hobby of choice? Are you truly passionate about angling, spending all of your free time and weekends out on the water? Well, if you are an avid fisherman and looking for a career shake-up, you might want to look at pursuing commercial fishing on a professional level. Fishing for a living is an ancient practice, and throughout the history of civilization, there has been a strong demand for fresh seafood. Today, industrial fishing is a multi-billion industry, generating thousands of jobs each year. As this industry has evolved, though, so have the methods and practices used. While there is still some utility in casting a line and reeling in what you can, commercial fishermen now tend to operate on a large scale, using nets and longlines to boost their hauls. In an effort to avoid overfishing and preserve our natural resources, permits and licenses for industrial fishing are required at the state and federal levels.

If you are in the early days of getting your commercial or industrial fishing operation up and running, you are probably pretty busy. After all, you are now a business owner, and with that comes the need to wear many different hats. You have to hire a crew and manage payroll, gear up your boat for extended sojourns at sea, and apply for the necessary permits and licenses for your business. While you do have the option to track down paper copies of the various permit applications you need, there is also a more streamlined option. By working with us, you can apply for all of the fishing licenses you need, be they state or federal, on one convenient website. Read on to learn more.

Which Commercial Fishing Permits Do You Need?

Just as there are countless types of fish in the sea, so too are there a wide array of specific permits. Just looking at what is available may feel overwhelming, so it is helpful to narrow down your search. First, think about where you will be fishing. If you are going to be on state waters, which is usually the area between the shore and three nautical miles out, you are going to need state-level permits. If you are going a bit farther out, such as between three and 200 nautical miles from land, that area falls under federal jurisdiction, which will require you to obtain permits from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The NOAA breaks out its permit offerings by region: the South, the West Coast, the Pacific Islands, Alaska, and the Atlantic. Each of these regions will have species-specific license selections, such as Atlantic Tuna or Alaskan Rockfish.

commercial fishing

Work with Us Today!

We can help you apply for all of the permits you need on one website. Simply click on your desired region or state for commercial fishing, and you will be brought to a landing page with a number of easy-to-read, fillable forms. To learn more about what we can do for your industrial fishing business, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page today.

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