Transfer Permit This application allows you to renew or transfer a Swordfish Incidental Commercial Fishing Permit (Limited Access). A brief description of the form or Application to be filled out here. FILLABLE_CLASSAdd name of CLASS under Advanced -> Default Value. Ex: Fillable_Alaska_12_10This field is hidden when viewing the formIncludeThis field is hidden when viewing the formAccessThis field is hidden when viewing the formTransfer TypeContact InformationVessel Use / Endorsement Pleasure Commercial Name First Last Email Enter Email Confirm Email PhoneSection 1: Vessel InformationOfficial Number From USCG Certificate Of Documentation (If the vessel is documented)Year BuiltLength (ft)Total HorsepowerState Registration NumberVessel NameHull Identification Number (HIN)Hailing Port CityHailing Port County or ParishHailing Port StateUSCG Documented Vessels Only*Gross TonsNet TonsInternational Maritime Organization (IMO) NumberAs applicable (see instructions)Passenger Capacity Data For Charter Vessels/Headboats Only UNINSPECTED VESSEL - “6-PACK” USCG INSPECTED VESSEL Specify Passenger Capacity as listed on the USCG Certificate of Inspection, not including Capt. and Crew.Crew Size - Including the Captain, but not including passengersHOLD or FISH BOX CAPACITYHow many pounds of product can you bring to the dock when full?Hull Material Fiberglass Wood Steel Aluminum Other (Describe) DescribeFuel Data Diesel Gasoline Other (Describe) DescribeFuel Capacity - Total GallonsProduct Storage ON ICE IN HOLD, FISH BOX, ICE CHEST, COOLER, ETC Freezer Live Well This vessel is used MOSTLY for (select only one) Commercial Fishing Charter Headboat For Shark and Swordfish Directed and Incidental Permit Applicants Only: Does your vessel fish with, or carry onboard, either longline or gillnet gear? Yes No Section 2: Open Access Permits and EndorsementsINSTRUCTIONS: All applications must include payment of a non-refundable application fee. FEE SCHEDULE FOR PERMITS AND ENDORSEMENTS: Permit: 1: $25 2: $35 3: $45 4: $55 5: $65 6: $75 7: $85 8: $95 9: $105 10: $115 11: $125 12:$135: INSTRUCTIONS: Find the permits and indicate what transaction(s) you want.: OPEN ACCESS COMMERCIAL PERMITSATLANTIC DOLPHIN/WAHOO (ADW) New Renew SPINY LOBSTER (LC) (Not required for the EEZ off Florida) New Renew SPINY LOBSTER TAILING (LT) You must have an LC permit OR provide your FL SPL information below. New Renew SPANISH MACKEREL (SM) New Renew ROCK SHRIMP - CAROLINAS ZONE (RSCZ) New Renew SOUTH ATLANTIC PENAEID SHRIMP (SPA) New Renew GULF ROYAL RED SHRIMP ENDORSEMENT (GRRS) You must have a valid Gulf of Mexico Shrimp permit New Renew HMS COMMERCIAL CARIBBEAN SMALL BOAT PERMIT (CCSB) Valid only in U.S. Caribbean (Puerto Rico and USVI) New Renew SMOOTH HOUND SHARK (SHS) New Renew OPEN ACCESS CHARTER/HEADBOAT PERMITSATLANTIC CHARTER/HEADBOAT FOR DOLPHIN/WAHOO (CDW) New Renew ATLANTIC CHARTER/HEADBOAT FOR COASTAL MIGRATORY PELAGICS (CHS) New Renew SOUTH ATLANTIC CHARTER/HEADBOAT FOR SNAPPER-GROUPER (SC) New Renew SPINY LOBSTER INCOME QUALIFICATION AFFIDAVIT An Income Qualification Affidavit is required with each application: "50CFR622.400 An applicant must provide the following information: (vi) A sworn statement by the applicant for a vessel permit certifying that at least 10 percent of his or her earned income was derived from commercial fishing, that is, sale of the catch, during the calendar year preceding the application." Knowlingly supplying false information or willfully overvaluing any fishing income for the purpose of obtaining a permit is a violation of Federal Law punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment. The affidavit below fulfills this requirement to obtain a Spiny Lobster PermitFull NameDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Business Name (if Applicable)Type of Business (if Applicable)Position In Business (if Applicable)For Lobster Tailing Permit Applications OnlySaltwater Products License NumberCrawfish Endorsement NumberSaltwater Products License Expiration Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Section 3: Limited Access/Moratorium Permits and EndorsementsLIMITED ACCESS COMMERCIAL PERMITSKING MACKEREL (KM) Transfer Renew Permit NumberGILLNET FOR KING MACKEREL (GN) Transfer Renew Permit NumberGULF OF MEXICO SHRIMP (SPGM) Transfer Renew Permit NumberGULF OF MEXICO COMMERCIAL REEF FISH (RR) Transfer Renew Permit NumberEASTERN GULF OF MEXICO REEF FISH BOTTOM LONG LINE ENDORSEMENT (RRLE) Transfer Renew Permit NumberROCK SHRIMP (SOUTH ATLANTIC EEZ) (RSLA) Transfer Renew Permit NumberSOUTH ATLANTIC GOLDEN CRAB (GC) Transfer Renew Permit NumberSOUTH ATLANTIC UNLIMITED SNAPPER-GROUPER (EXCLUDING WRECKFISH) (SG1) Transfer Renew Permit NumberSOUTH ATLANTIC 225 LB TRIP LIMIT SNAPPER-GROUPER (EXCLUDING WRECKFISH) (SG2) Transfer Renew Permit NumberSOUTH ATLANTIC SEA BASS POT ENDORSEMENT (SBPE) Transfer Renew Permit NumberSOUTH ATLANTIC GOLDEN TILEFISH ENDORSEMENT (GTFE) Transfer Renew Permit NumberSWORDFISH DIRECTED (SFD) Transfer Renew Permit NumberSWORDFISH HANDGEAR (SFH) Transfer Renew Permit NumberSWORDFISH INCIDENTAL (SFI) Transfer Renew Permit NumberSHARK DIRECTED (SKD) Transfer Renew Permit NumberSHARK INCIDENTAL (SKI) Transfer Renew Permit NumberATLANTIC TUNA LONGLINE (ATL) Must have either SFI or SKI and either SFD or SKD Transfer Renew Permit NumberLIMITED ACCESS CHARTER/HEADBOAT PERMITSGULF CHARTER/HEADBOAT FOR COASTAL MIGRATORY PELAGIC FISH (CHG) Transfer Renew Permit NumberGULF CHARTER/HEADBOAT FOR REEF FISH (RCG) Transfer Renew Permit NumberHISTORICAL CAPTAIN GULF CHARTER/HEADBOAT FOR COASTAL MIGRATORY PELAGIC FISH (HCHG) Transfer Renew Permit NumberHISTORICAL CAPTAIN GULF CHARTER/HEADBOAT FOR REEF FISH (HRCG) Transfer Renew Permit NumberSection 4: Individual Vessel Owner(s) InformationSection 4 If the vessel's USCG documentation or state registration indicates the vessel is owned by one or more individuals, fill out Section 4. Complete Section 4 for all owners listed. Complete Section 4a for an individual owner. Also fill out Section 4b if the vessel is jointly owned by another individual. Photocopy Section 4 as necessary to provide information for all individuals that own the vessel.Section 4a: Primary or Sole Owner: Complete this section if there is one or more individual shown on the USCG documentation, State Registration or title as the registered owner of the vessel. Select only ONE mailing recipient.All mail about this permit will go to the individual listed in Section 4a? Yes No Is this individual a United States Citizen or permanent resident alien? Yes No What is this individual's Sex? Male Female Is this Individual of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? Yes No What is this individual’s race? White Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Other DescribeName First Middle Last Suffix If you are operating under a different name, what is your Doing Business As (DBA) name?Tax ID Number (SSN)Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) MM slash DD slash YYYY Area CodePhone NumberMailing AddressApt #CityStateCounty/ParishZip CodeCountryIs the physical address the same as the mailing address? Yes No Physical AddressApt #CityStateCounty/ParishZip CodeCountryWould you like to receive digital updates (texts & emails)? Yes No Email Cell Phone Number and providerComplete this section if there is more than one individual shown on the USCG documentation, State Registration or title as the registered joint owner of the vessel.Section 4b: Joint Owner Name Tax ID Number (SSN) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Phone Number Apt # Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Section 5: Business Vessel Owner(s) InformationSection 5 If the vessel's USCG documentation or state registration indicates the vessel is owned by one or more businesses, fill out Section 5. Complete section 5 for all the business owners listed. Please complete section 5b, if the vessel is jointly owned by another business.Type of business S Corporation C Corporation Cooperative Limited Liability Co. Partnership Other DescribeWas this Business properly established by the laws of the United States or any state of the United States? Yes No Is this the mailing recipientAll mail about this permit will go to this business Yes No Registered Name of BusinessTax ID Number (FEIN)Date Business Formed (MM/DD/YYYY) MM slash DD slash YYYY Area CodePhone NumberMailing AddressApt #CityStateCounty/ParishZip CodeCountryIs the Physical Address the same as the mailing address? Yes No Physical Address (PO Box not acceptable)Apt#CityStateCounty/ParishZip CodeCountryWould you like to receive digital updates (texts & emails)? Yes No Email Cell Phone number and providerSection 5b: Joint Owner: Complete this section if there is another business shown on the USCG Documentation, State Registration or Title as the registered joint owner of the vessel.Section 5b Joint Owners Registered Name of Business Tax ID Number (FEIN) Date Business Formed (MM/DD/YYYY) Phone Number Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Section 6: Lease InformationLease Type Leased by one or more individuals Leased by one or more businesses Lease start date MM slash DD slash YYYY Lease end date MM slash DD slash YYYY Section 6a: Individual or Joint Lessee: Name Tax ID Number (SSN) Area Code Phone Number Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Section 6b: Business Lessee: Complete this section if a business is leasing the vessel from the vessel owner. If a business is leasing the vessel, officer and owner information for the business must be provided in section 7.Section 6b: Business Lessee: Registered Name of Business Tax ID Number (FEIN) Phone Number Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Section 7: Businesses that own businessesSection 7 If the vessel is Owned or Leased by a business which is owned by another business, complete Section 7. Complete this section for any business that owns more than 1% of any business within the ownership hierarchy of vessel owners or lessees listed in section 5a, 5b, or 6b. For every business, the sum of ownership, by either individuals or other businesses, must total 100%.Section 7: Business Owner Registered Name of Business Tax ID Number (FEIN) Phone Number Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Section 8: Business Officers and Individual OwnersSection 8 If the vessel is Owned or Leased by a business, complete Section 8. Complete this section for any individual that owns more than 1% of any business within the ownership hierarchy of vessel owners or lessees, as listed in section 5a, 5b, 6b, or 7. For every business, the sum of ownership, by either individuals or other businesses, must total 100%. Example: If a vessel’s USCG documentation indicates that the vessel is owned by Company A,provide information about all owners and officers of Company A. If Company A is also owned in whole or part by Company B, complete section 8 to provide information about all individual owners and officers of Company A and Company B.Section 8a: Individual Officer/Owner: Tax ID Number (SSN) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Phone Number Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Section 9: Owner Information for Unnamed Minor Shareholders of BusinessesSection 9 Complete Section 9 if any of the businesses listed in Section 5, Section 6, or Section 7 hold an ownership percentage less than 1%. This is not common. Complete Section 9 if a business listed in Section 5a, 5b, 6b, or 7 has owners that individually own less than 1% of the business. Provide the total percentage of ownership which is individually held by owners who own less than 1%.Are there minor owners (individual or business) that hold shares that are less than 1% of the total business shares? Yes No What is the total percentage of business shares held by minor owners?Section 10: Historical Captain or Designated Operator (Income Qualifier)Section 10 Applicants of Historical Captain Endorsements for Gulf of Mexico Charter/Headboat permits, or designated operator (income qualifier) for Commercial Spiny Lobster Permits, complete Section 10. Only complete this section for: 1) Gulf of Mexico Charter/Headboat permits with a Historical Captain endorsement, or 2) Commercial Spiny Lobster permit for which the income qualification requirement has been met the fishing income of a Designated Operator. A Designated Operator is a vessel operator who is neither a vessel owner nor lessee listed in Section 4a, 4b, 6a, nor an officer of a business that owns or leases the vessel as listed in 7a.This individual is a: Historical Captain for Gulf of Mexico Charter/Headboat permits Designated Operator (Income Qualifier who is not the Permit Holder) for Commercial Spiny Lobster Is this individual a United States Citizen or permanent resident alien? Yes No What is this individual's Sex? Male Female Is this Individual of Hipsanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? Yes No What is this individual’s race? White Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Name First Middle Last Suffix Tax ID Number (SSN)Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) MM slash DD slash YYYY Area CodePhone NumberMailing AddressApt #CityStateCounty/ParishZip CodeCountryIs your Phyiscal Address the same as the mailing address? Yes No Physical Address (PO Box not acceptable)Apt #CityStateCounty/ParishZip CodeCountryWould you like to receive digital updates (texts & emails) Yes No Email Cell Phone number and providerSection 11: Sea Bass Pots or Golden Crab TrapsSection 11 Applicants requesting a Sea Bass Pot endorsement or Golden Crab permit fill out Section 11. Complete this section only if you fish with pots in the snapper-grouper fishery or traps in the golden crab fishery off the southern Atlantic states. • The Sea Bass pot fishery requires tags be ordered through NMFS. Trap Tags for the golden crab fishery do not need to be ordered through NMFS. • Complete this section to order pot or trap tags ($2.00 per tag). Floy Tag Inc. will ship all Floy Tag orders to you directly; NMFS will not send tags with the permit package.I need tags for Sea Bass Pots Golden Crab Traps What color are your Buoys for Sea Bass Pots or Golden Crab Traps?South Atlantic Sea Bass Pot/Golden Crab Trap Information - You are allowed a MAXIMUM of 35 Sea Bass PotsNumber of Pots/TrapsPlease enter a number less than or equal to 35.Pot or Trap Height (inches)Pot or Trap Length (inches)Pot or Trap Width (inches)Mesh Size Height (inches)Mesh Size Width (inches)Section 12: Small Business or Organization CertificationAll applicants must complete this section. ● For vessels that are leased, complete this section for business(es), including sole proprietorship(s),or organization(s) that lease the vessel. ● For vessels that are not leased, complete this section for business(es), including sole proprietorship(s), or organization(s) that own the vessel (i.e., the business(es), including sole proprietorship(s), or organization(s) that appear on the vessel’s USCG documentation or state registration)Is the business primarily involved in harvesting seafood (commercial fishing)? Yes No 1A) Was the business active prior to this year? Yes No 1B) What was the most recent year the business was active prior to this year?1B) Did the business have more than $11 million in gross receipts in that year? Yes No Is the business primarily involved in for-hire fishing services (charter, party/ headboat)? Yes No 2A) Was the business active prior to this year? Yes No 2B) What was the most recent year the business was active prior to this year?2B) Did the business have more than $7.5 million in gross receipts in that year? Yes No Is the business primarily involved in buying and selling seafood (seafood dealer/wholesaler)? Yes No 3A) Was the business active prior to this year? Yes No 3B) What was the most recent year the business was active prior to this year?3B) Did the business have more than 100 employees? Yes No Is the business primarily involved in processing seafood (seafood processor)? Yes No 4A) Was the business active prior to this year? Yes No 4B) What was the most recent year the business was active prior to this year? Yes No 4B Did the business have more than 750 employees? Yes No Is the organization an Environmental, Conservation and Wildlife, or Professional Non-Profit Organization? Yes No 5A) Was the organization active prior to this year? Yes No 5B) What was the most recent year the organization was active prior to this year?5B) Did the organization have more than $15 Million in gross receipts? Yes No Is the organization some other Non-Profit Organization (e.g., business association)? Yes No 6A) Was the organization active prior to this year? Yes No 6B) What was the most recent year the business was active prior to this year?6B) Did the organization have more than $7.5 Million in gross receipts? Yes No The business or organization must be primarily involved in another industry not related to fishing or seafood. Refer to SBA’s list of NAICS codes (see and enter the NAICS code for your primary activity here:Based on the applicable SBA size standard, check the appropriate box to indicate if the business or organization is Large or Small and report the year on which that conclusion was based. Large Small YearSoutheast Fisheries Permit SystemUser NamePasswordAllow access to Southeast Fisheries Permit Account Managing owner and Southeast Fisheries Permit account holder please be advised the NOAA Fisheries Service requires we obtain authorization from you (account holder) to access Southeast Fisheries Permit account for the processing of your permit. By checking this box and providing us with your Southeast Fisheries Permit account name and password you are authorizing and consenting to CFPC’s (our) access to your Southeast Fisheries Permit account and enable CFPC (us) to act as your authorized agent and attorney in fact to submit any pertinent information needed to complete the application herein and no other purpose, and that you understand we are a private permit processor.Test Product Price: Application Fee Price: Base Permit Fee Price: ATLANTIC DOLPHIN/WAHOO (ADW) Price: SPINY LOBSTER (LC) Price: SPANISH MACKEREL (SM) Price: ROCK SHRIMP - CAROLINAS ZONE (RSCZ) Price: HMS COMMERCIAL CARIBBEAN SMALL BOAT PERMIT (CCSB) Price: SOUTH ATLANTIC PENAEID SHRIMP (SPA) Price: SMOOTH HOUND SHARK (SHS) Price: GULF ROYAL RED SHRIMP ENDORSEMENT (GRRS) Price: ATLANTIC CHARTER/HEADBOAT FOR DOLPHIN/WAHOO (CDW) Price: SOUTH ATLANTIC CHARTER/HEADBOAT FOR SNAPPER-GROUPER (SC) Price: SPINY LOBSTER TAILING (LT) Price: ATLANTIC CHARTER/HEADBOAT FOR COASTAL MIGRATORY PELAGICS (CHS) Price: SEA BASS POTS Price: $10.00 RENEWAL ADVANCED PAYMENT OPTION No Additional Years 2 year renewal 3 year renewal 4 year renewal 5 year renewal Total $0.00 Section 13: Signature For ApplicationConsent I agreeI CERTIFY THAT THE RECITATIONS CONCERNING THE VESSEL: NAME, TONNAGE, DIMENSIONS, PROPULSION, OWNERSHIP, HAILING PORT, RESTRICTIONS, ENTITLEMENTS, REMARKS AND ENDORSEMENTS CONTAINED IN THE CERTIFICATE OF DOCUMENTATION REMAIN ABSOLUTELY THE SAME.Applicant SignaturePosition in BusinessDate MM slash DD slash YYYY NAME:Type your full name to sign this secure webformDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Authorization I agreeI agree to pay the above total amount according to the card issuer agreement and hereby authorize the charge for the total amount above for the processing of selected permits. I understand that my application will be processed in the order in which it is received by Commercial Fishing Permits Center, a private fee-for-service documentation company, not owned or operated by any governmental agency. I understand that application and processing fees are non-refundable as per Commercial Fishing Permits Center's no refund policy. I understand that submitting another application for a license or permit will supersede the current/pending application for that license or permit. I understand that Commercial Fishing Permits Center does not issue or sell any licenses or permits.Credit Card Having Trouble with your card? My card information is not workingCheck this box to move forward without your Credit Card.BILLING ADDRESS* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code AfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorraAngolaAnguillaAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaArgentinaArmeniaArubaAustraliaAustriaAzerbaijanBahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBelarusBelgiumBelizeBeninBermudaBhutanBoliviaBonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBouvet IslandBrazilBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBrunei DarussalamBulgariaBurkina FasoBurundiCabo VerdeCambodiaCameroonCanadaCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChadChileChinaChristmas IslandCocos IslandsColombiaComorosCongoCongo, Democratic Republic of theCook IslandsCosta RicaCroatiaCubaCuraçaoCyprusCzechiaCôte d'IvoireDenmarkDjiboutiDominicaDominican RepublicEcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorEquatorial GuineaEritreaEstoniaEswatiniEthiopiaFalkland IslandsFaroe IslandsFijiFinlandFranceFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesGabonGambiaGeorgiaGermanyGhanaGibraltarGreeceGreenlandGrenadaGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuernseyGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHaitiHeard Island and McDonald IslandsHoly SeeHondurasHong KongHungaryIcelandIndiaIndonesiaIranIraqIrelandIsle of ManIsraelItalyJamaicaJapanJerseyJordanKazakhstanKenyaKiribatiKorea, Democratic People's Republic ofKorea, Republic ofKuwaitKyrgyzstanLao People's Democratic RepublicLatviaLebanonLesothoLiberiaLibyaLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourgMacaoMadagascarMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMauritaniaMauritiusMayotteMexicoMicronesiaMoldovaMonacoMongoliaMontenegroMontserratMoroccoMozambiqueMyanmarNamibiaNauruNepalNetherlandsNew CaledoniaNew ZealandNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNiueNorfolk IslandNorth MacedoniaNorthern Mariana IslandsNorwayOmanPakistanPalauPalestine, State ofPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayPeruPhilippinesPitcairnPolandPortugalPuerto RicoQatarRomaniaRussian FederationRwandaRéunionSaint BarthélemySaint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da CunhaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint MartinSaint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaudi ArabiaSenegalSerbiaSeychellesSierra LeoneSingaporeSint MaartenSlovakiaSloveniaSolomon IslandsSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsSouth SudanSpainSri LankaSudanSurinameSvalbard and Jan MayenSwedenSwitzerlandSyria Arab RepublicTaiwanTajikistanTanzania, the United Republic ofThailandTimor-LesteTogoTokelauTongaTrinidad and TobagoTunisiaTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluTürkiyeUS Minor Outlying IslandsUgandaUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited StatesUruguayUzbekistanVanuatuVenezuelaViet NamVirgin Islands, BritishVirgin Islands, U.S.Wallis and FutunaWestern SaharaYemenZambiaZimbabweÅland Islands Country By clicking submit you agree to these Terms and Conditions and the above authorization of payment.