INDIVIDUAL: This includes native born, as well as naturalized U.S. citizens.
GOVERNMENT ENTITY: This includes Federal, State, Territory, Possession or Subdivision.
CORPORATION: Please complete all items that apply.
LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC): Please complete Equity Section and choose type. For member managed LLC, a list of members must be provided. Please click on icon for additional attachments if application covers multiple members.
PARTNERSHIP: Please complete Equity Section and choose type. A list of all general partners will need to be provided. Click on the icon for additional attachments if application covers multiple general partners.
CORPORATIONS QUALIFIED UNDER 46 CFR 68.01 OR OWNED BY A NOT-FOR-PROFIT OIL RECOVERY COOPERATIVE: Please attach a copy of the Certificate of Compliance or Letter of Qualification issued by the Director, NVDC.
JOINT VENTURE/ASSOCIATION: A list of all joint venturers/members is required. The percentage held by each does not need to be indicated. Please click on the icon for additional attachments if the application covers multiple joint venturers/members.
TRUST ARRANGEMENT: All trustees must be U.S. citizens. If applicable, each beneficiary with an enforceable interest must be a citizen. A list of all trustees (save for the managing owner) and beneficiaries with an enforceable interest is required. Please click on the icon for additional attachments if the application covers multiple trustees/beneficiaries with an enforceable interest.