INDIVIDUAL: This includes native born, as well as naturalized U.S. citizens.
GOVERNMENT ENTITY: This includes Federal, State, Territory, Possession or Subdivision.
CORPORATION: Please complete all items that apply.
LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC): Please complete Equity Section and choose type. For member managed LLC, a list of members is required. Please click icon for any additional attachments if application covers multiple members.
PARTNERSHIP: Please complete Equity Section and choose type. A list of all general partners is required. Please click icon for additional attachments if application covers multiple general partners.
CORPORATIONS QUALIFIED UNDER 46 CFR 68.01 OR OWNED BY A NOT-FOR-PROFIT OIL RECOVERY COOPERATIVE: Please attach a copy of the Certificate of Compliance or Letter of Qualification issued by the Director, NVDC.
JOINT VENTURE/ASSOCIATION: A list of all joint venturers/members will be required. The percentage held by each does not need to be provided. Please click icon for additional attachments if application covers multiple joint venturers/members.
TRUST ARRANGEMENT: All trustees must be U.S. citizens. If applicable, each beneficiary with an enforceable interest must be a citizen. A list of all trustees (save for the managing owner) and beneficiaries with an enforceable interest is required. Please click icon for additional attachments if application covers multiple trustees/beneficiaries with an enforceable interest.